Bereavement Doula Offerings

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What is included?

-30 minute consultation to make sure we are the right fit (Zoom).

-6 weeks of tailored one on one doula support!

Here are some ideas of what we can do:

-goodnight little me book sent to your home.

-2 hour guided help through creating a celebration of life and/or funeral plan of action (zoom or in person).

-1-2 hour guided help in creating a daily rhythm for you and your family (zoom or in person).

-1 text/phone call each week checking up on you and making sure you have all the resources you need 

(physical, mental, social, and emotional support).

-unlimited text help/support during business hours 9-5pm.

-personal resiliency journal and course.

-guided help finding a therapist in your area if that is what you want (Text, zoom, or in person).

-birthday/holiday ideas and how to’s (text, call, or zoom)

-free grief circle every week on Wednesday nights (zoom).

-create nights (in person and zoom)


Beyond the 6 weeks

-free grief circle every week on Wednesday nights (zoom).

-create nights (in person and zoom).

-personal resiliency journal and course.

What is the cost? How do I book an appointment?

-Bereavement doula services are free! (funded by friends and family of bereaved and bereaved parents like yourself).

-Contact me through text or email to get on the wait list.


Gift it forward

-you found these services to be helpful and you want to give another family support.

-you are a family member or friend of bereaved and want to support them.

-Contact me through text or email for payment info, or click gift it forward below.