Your Child... at times you feel totally lost
We Found You
Your Grief Matters

What grief is like:
I have often heard that grief is love and dreams with no place to go. Here, grief always has a place. Together, using our heads, hearts and hands to create, we give grief meaning and purpose.
Grief looks and sounds like a sad word… but it doesn’t always have to be.
Grief is a wonderful emotion that teaches us so much about ourselves.
Grief lasts forever, it stays with us and we grow around it.
I love the image of a box, there is a stationary button and a moving ball bouncing around inside the box. The box represents your learning and experiences, the ball represents your grief, and the button represents your pain. At the beginning of your grief journey, the ball fills the box and hits the button all the time. As the box grows the ball and the button stay the same size. The ball bounces around and hits the button, it may not hit the button as much, but it is still the same size as it always was, the box just grew around it.
As a forget me not doula, I love to have conversations and help parents integrate and create a daily rhythm that works for them in whatever grief they are gong through. Whether it’s the grief of losing a sense of self during pregnancy and after the birth of their baby, the grief of taking care of a medically complex child and the life that grows around that, and also the grief of losing a baby/child.
I see you, my child...
Theo was born on February 15, 2019 and seemed perfectly healthy at birth. Having a newborn is hard, then…Three weeks later we found out he had multiple Congenital Heart Defects and it flipped our world upside down. He spent eight weeks in two Children’s hospitals and had a successful surgery and recovery with many complexities and trials. When he was released from the hospital we flew home together and began living a new complex normal for three months. He weaned off all of his medications and successfully finished his feeding tube trial. We even went on some family vacations and had a wonderful, but still careful summer together. He was a repaired, healthy happy baby until one beautiful and terrible August day… Read more here…
You don't ever have to stop grieving.
Grief comes in waves, in tornadoes, hurricanes, in still air and any weather. On bright blessed days and in dark sacred nights. You may never know when its going to rush over you. In early grief you may get thrashed around by the storm and you may let it happen because its just too heavy, and thats ok. At some point you might start preparing for the next one, picking up the pieces, and understanding that when the next storm comes you will want to have the means to face the storm and maybe even prevent it from getting too huge. We are here for you in the storms and in the stillness.
Grief is always going to be there.
The pain may never fade, but you grow around it.
You don’t have to do this alone.
You can grieve however, whenever, and with whoever you choose.
Let’s face this together.

"The presence of the physical body isn't required for there to be love between two souls."
- Marie Goudraeu

Current Services
Whether you are looking for an uplifting moment or dedicated support.
Take a short grief quiz
What kind of griever are you today?
Join a Grief Circle
Meet face to face with a forget me not doula and bereaved parents,
A place where you can speak your truth without judgement, be acknowledged and hear other parents stories. You don't have to carry grief alone.
Forget me not Doula
This is the one-on-one support you need.
Share, grieve, and find peace in what you are feeling & experiencing. Create a new rhythm that works for you, and find resources for you and your your family. You are so resilient, let's do this together.

My Story

When Theo died in August of 2019, I had no idea where to start… Therapy? Grief group at Primary Childrens Hospital? Getting something set up for my living 3yo son? Almost nothing was available and I was overwhelmed with loss. Waiting lists for support were long months away from Theo’s death. I had to wait until October for the hospital grief group to start and it was almost more than I could bear. When it finally started I was so relieved to know I was not alone in the death and grief of my child. It was such a wonderful group and we all got along so well. But… the group was only 6 weeks long and we needed more time so we all planned to meet once a month. That lasted for quite a few months until Covid hit and it dwindled off.
In the middle of this a therapist finally accepted me as a client. I was so excited to get some help, but my first few appointments were questionable. They didn’t understand why I was so upset and they just wanted to fix me, compartmentalize my grief and get me to move on… I didn’t feel like they truly understood the depth of pain I was in. My grief doesn’t work that way so I didn’t go back and was on the lookout for another therapist. My next therapist was wonderful to talk to and I could talk all day, but they still didn’t quite understand the depths of the death of a child, they had never experienced it and Covid didn’t allow us to meet in person. So I felt unheard and especially unseen…
A few months into the Covid pandemic I decided to start my own zoom group because I needed to talk to real bereaved parents face to face, I needed to hear their stories, and see their emotions in real time. I found 2 women who wanted to grieve together. They came regularly almost every week! I was thrilled we actually understood one another and could really speak our truth even if it was hard to say or hear. We even got as far as making our own retreat together and meeting in person at a cabin in Kamas, Utah. It was a lovely vacation full of rest and relaxation, adventure, wonderful conversation and even laughter. Our conversations are still going strong today!
I am loving our grief circles that occur on Wednesday nights over zoom in the comfort of our own homes. Now we have about 30 people who log in every so often. I hope you join us so we can start making creative memories with you!
For me, having a grief circle of parents who understand, paired with a specialized therapist and other coping modalities are helping me find a good path for my personal grief journey. I feel that I am living a resilient and fulfilling life. Still in grief, but not weighed down by it.
love, Kenzie

Aubrey Taylor
As a holistic health and mindset coach, trapped and suppressed emotions are one of the number one things I see negatively impacting physical health and triggering dis-ease. often, these trapped emotions are ones of grief. Creative Ways to Grieve is an excellent resource to help us all acknowledge grief and lovingly release it – not just one, but continually as part of a healing lifestyle. I love the founder, McKenzie has turned her grief into her life’s mission to help others. Grieving is part of the human experience, and we all need these creative tools. What grief could you acknowledge and release that would help your physical body heal? Go check out Creative Ways to Grieve today!
~Aubrey Taylor, Functional Nutrition Counselor

Jeanne Call
Death is something I have struggled with… I think most people struggle with it! The hardest is when someone you know loses a baby or a young child. I have even lost a friendship with a dear friend because I didn’t know how to support her. I felt so helpless because nothing I did or said was right. I was heartbroken to lose her friendship. As I have gotten to know Kenzie, I have learned so much. She is so open and honest. She knows the pain of losing a child because she has experienced it. I can see mistakes I made with my friend. I wish I had known Kenzie when my friend was struggling. If you have a loved one who is in pain because they lost a child, Kenzie is THE person to connect with. She has created a program to help that is one of a kind. There are so few options to help families as they grieve this terrible loss. Call Kenzie!
~Jeanne Call

I was at the birth of her son Theo, who died. I know the ends of the earth she went to try to find healing for him and how she strives to keep him a part of her family now that he is gone physically. She is incredibly empathetic to the pains suffering parents experience during medical complexities and loss of a child. Creative Ways to Grieve is an innovative and powerful support for those who want to never forget their child, but who also don’t feel that traditional grief services are really hitting the nail on easing their endless pain. If you’ve lost a child or know someone who has, please connect with Creative Ways to Grieve.
~Sarah, Filmmaker of The Touch of Life films

Program Details
We would love to see you soon.
Personal Resiliency
- Online Course
- How is life going for you?
- What can I do to get out of my slump?
Who am I now that my child isn't here?
Creative Activities
- Online and in person
- Calendar of events
- Fun and resilient activities for bereaved
Check it out!
- McKenzie Mott
- Forget me not- Birth after loss
- Utah Doula Association
Serving Salt Lake County &
Utah County, Utah